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Request for Session Proposals

SUPPORTED LIFE 2024 Conference (October 17-18, 2024):

"Empowering Independence: Innovation is at the Heart"



Session Presenter Proposals - Deadline: Monday 6/5/2024

The conference planning team welcomes session proposals from individuals and agencies for Supported Life 2024. Sessions are generally 60-70 minutes long. All proposals received by the due date are reviewed by the planning committee.

Supported Life Institute
c/o 1209 Caricia Dr.
Davis, CA  95618
(temporary address for proposals only)

Please send us the following information:
1. Session Title (8 words or less)
2. Lead Presenter Info: Name / Affiliation, Address (including Zip), Email Address, Phone Numbers (Day & Evening)
    Note if you are a: Family member, Person with a disability, Professional (or Other - explain)
3. General topic area (refer to the general topic areas in the save-the-date flyer)
4. May we assign you for "Either Conference Day" or note "Thur 10/17" or "Fri 10/18" if only available on one day
5. If there are other presenters, please provide for each:
Co-Presenters Names, Affiliations, Email for each and note Family member, Person with a disability, Professional (or Other - explain)
6. Session Summary (50 - 100 words)
7. Brief Resume / Bio / Personal History of Lead Presenter
8. Session Objectives: 3 brief one-sentence descriptions of what attendees will learn.


Notes for Session Applicants          Deadline: Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Presenters DO pay registration fees, but at a BIG discount!  See C below.

B. Acceptance Notification will be sent by mid-July to Lead Presenters (& for you to distribute to any co-presenters) along with Final Presenter Forms for you to complete and return with payment, due August 10th with A/V requests, preferred introduction, and any session or presenter changes.

Note: Reduced Speaker Fees! See below:
Up to 3 presenters per accepted session who complete Final Presenter Forms and pay by August 10th.

Professionals, people with disabilities or family members each pay only $60 (both days) or $30 (session day)

(Speaker discount is only available to those whose forms are received by the deadline)

D. Most A/V Requests are offered at no cost to you if we receive your completed Final Presenter Forms by 8/10/24.

Since the Supported Life Conference is a professional and inclusive conference, please note that:
- Technical information is encouraged, but the audience is diverse, including people with disabilities, family members, and professionals with widely varying amounts of experience in the field;
- we encourage proposals which include people with disabilities / family members as presenters
- we encourage presenting of hands-on, practical information and techniques, as well as personal stories.